Code of Conduct

The moderation team is ran by Rill's Corner Inc.(RCI) As such the code of Conduct mentions Rill's Corner as a standard for the Code of Conduct.

iSV Code of Conduct

The purpose of this page is to serve as a general guide for all new/existing moderators, and is publicly shared to help people understand what rules a moderator operates under.

Before we begin, congratulations on your appointment as a Moderator! Thank you for dedicating your free time to make your server better.

Our Objective

It's important to say that our mission for Rill’s Corner does not include moderators acting as thought-police. As long as members are discussing things in a respectful manner and without breaking any other rules, they should be free to share their own opinions. Members will naturally disagree, reply to them with their own thoughts and so on as part of the discussion, not everyone agrees with anyone. If all mods were to discipline people because their opinions are not in line with their own, we'll soon have to ban everyone, since we all have radically different views.

However, there is a limit. If people are sharing harmful rhetoric that targets any group of members/demographics, a moderator will be required to step in and assess the situation. The moderator will also be required to discuss any action with the rest of the moderation team.

Members should always be respectful, never attack other members, not incite violence, but should attempt to win an argument through rational and objective arguments. If you are intending to cause chaos or incite arguments, there are other places, and we simply won't accept any of that here.

Duties and Responsibilities

All Moderators are expected to join the Rill’s Corner Discord server as well as the Discord of the server they actively moderate.. This is a vital part of being able to discuss concerns or issues with the Moderation Team.

A moderator's first and foremost duty is to ensure unity and togetherness both in discussions and between members, with the well being of members as the main consideration when moderating.

The moderation team exists in a fully flat structure. That is, any single moderator has equal power and decision making capability as any other. Policy changes proposed by the moderation team must have a majority vote within the team, and any larger changes must have a super-majority vote.

Moderators are expected to check member requests on a regular basis, ensuring that they do not stack and that they are dealt with on a fair and consistent basis.

Moderators are expected to communicate with other moderators in the community team channel on Discord frequently and discuss possible bans and other moderator actions with them. Moderators are expected to notify other fellow moderators if they are due to go on an extended leave of absence.

Moderators are expected to know and understand all of the rules, be aware of any changes made to rules when they are made, and only intervene in line with the rules.

Moderators should be ready to seek and recognize the advice of experts within the moderation team on a particular matter before taking action if it is relevant to them, and if there are none available, discuss and research amongst the team to come up with a FAIR and INFORMED course of action.

No moderator shall unilaterally overrule the action taken by another moderator without consensus discussed with at least two other moderators. If the issuing moderator agrees with the change, the action may be overruled without this consensus. Additionally, if the overruling is under a time-sensitive scope, only a single other moderator is needed for overruling, but a continued discussion is still required afterwards.

Honesty and Integrity

Moderators must act with honesty and integrity at all times. They should be sincere and truthful, showing confidence in doing what they believe to be right.

Moderators should not solicit or readily accept the offer of any gift or gratuity that could compromise their impartiality. In the interests of transparency, any gifts given must be declared to the moderator team.

Moderators should not have any undisclosed alternate accounts on the servers, no matter the purpose of said accounts.

Moderators must disclose when they may be compromised, conflicted, or emotionally charged in their decision making, and must yield to another moderator on the team if this is the case.

Moderators are accountable to the community. All actions undertaken by Moderators are recorded in the Event Log. Moderators should not shy away from criticism, but rather explain their rationale when challenged.

Standards of Behavior

Moderators must lead by example in their actions. Members take their cues from how the Moderators conduct themselves.

The tone of Moderators’ posts must be suitable for the given situation. Good humor is expected, but must also be used appropriately. Remember that whatever post you makes is representative of all the moderator team, and by extension Rill’s Corner.

Bans must always be justifiable and proportionate. Moderators must take into account both the member (time on the server, number of prior infractions, overall quality of community interaction) and the content of the bannable material (are they blatantly disregarding the posted rules, are they simply not understanding the situation, did they misread or misinterpret staff or member communication?)

If you take an issue with a Moderator’s behavior, please discuss it with them in a constructive manner. If you feel the behavior is beyond this, please notify multiple members of the moderation team so it can be discussed internally and a course of action can be taken. In regard to situations that expand beyond the confines of the server, moderators should stop engaging within the situation and discuss how to handle it best amongst the other moderators. If a definitive answer can not be drawn from this conversation then a majority vote between the moderation team will determine the action. This includes dm’s on discord/steam/twitter/other social media.

While we cannot control what members do outside of the server we can control what we do. Remember that even outside of the server, while running your username, you are acting as a representative of the RCI community. While operating under your username it is expected, though not required, for you to maintain similar conduct as you would on duty. If actions are taken that may damage the reputation of both the moderator team and/or RCI a discussion will be had in the moderator chat about the best course of action in handling such an event.

Moderators are expected to treat members with respect, both in public and private conversation. Moderators will not talk about other members in any derogatory fashion.

Remember, we are all a team. We must all work together and be on the same page as much as possible. When in doubt, ask questions!

Last updated