Modcoin Information

Each redeem is (1) mod coin unless otherwise stated. To suggest a new modcoin redeem, please use the Feedback Form.

How do I earn a modcoin?

  • Participating in Community Week by working on that month's eligible task(s) for a minimum of 2 hours. You can earn 1 coin per community week.

  • Lighting up the caves under your main overworld base. Multiplayer bases will be rewarded a maximum of 2 modcoins for this.

  • Spawnproofing a 100-block radius around your personal nether tunnel.


Item Redeems

  • 1 Heavy Core

  • Make Big Item (+6.5 Scale) ~ 3 mod coins

  • Make Small Item (-0.8 Scale) ~ 3 mod coins

  • 1 Armor Trim of your choice

  • 1 Budding Amethyst

  • 1 Elytra (Unenchanted)

  • 1 Enchanted Golden Apple

  • 1 Heart of the Sea

  • 1 Knockback Stick (Knockback level: 10)

  • 1 Music Disc of your choice

  • 1 Nether Star

  • 1 Static iBlade

  • 16 Bundles

  • 32 Light Blocks - Maximum light level. No refunds or replacements if misplaced or broken

  • 64 Suspicious Sand or Suspicious Gravel (non-lootable, decorative only)

  • 1 Mod-Max Potion - 1 4-hour duration potion from the list below:

    1. Super Fast Dig Mode - a potion that grants 4 hours of haste strong enough to allow a player to instamine deepslate with an enchanted diamond pickaxe.

    2. Speed

    3. Jump Boost

    4. Regeneration

    5. Resistance

    6. Fire Resistance

    7. Water Breathing

    8. Night Vision

    9. Glowing

    10. Luck

    11. Slow Falling

    12. Conduit Power

    13. Dolphin's Grace

    Please note: This redeem is not refundable or replaceable upon loss of effect. Dying or drinking milk will clear these effects, please use responsibly! These potions cannot be crafted into splash potions.

Service & Permission Redeems

  • Banners with extra layers (cannot be copied)

  • Bedrock Breaking (3x3 section 5 blocks deep)

  • Custom Sign or Book - 1 mod coin for 2 books or 2 signs using custom colors or edits. Player must provide the command generated from this tool.

  • Named Item(s) - Adding name/give lore/shiny item(s). Up to 1 stack for stackable items (to their max stack) or one item for non stackable. Items and names provided by the player at time of redeem. Player must provide the command generated from this tool.

  • Locator: Slime Chunk - Locate 1 slime chunk within a general specified area

  • Locator: Mob Spawner - Locate 1 specified mob spawner within your claim

  • Second Chance! - Rollback 1 broken item

  • Stream Tour Voucher - To be used when impulse tours the server on stream to show your work!

  • Permission granted to use the /spec command in game. This command allows you to enter and leave spectator mode. This will only be granted once the player has been on the server for a minimum of 30 days. In addition to posting in ask-a-mod, you will also need to submit this request form. This redeem comes with a few rules:

    1. Spectate can only be used for the following purposes:

      1. Lighting up caves and underground spaces

      2. Viewing your own current builds in progress

      3. Recording video footage

    2. Visiting other players via Spectate is not allowed unless given explicit permission by the person you wish to visit each time you wish to visit them.

    3. Inspecting other player’s property or belongings while using Spectate without explicit permission is not allowed.

    4. Using spec to hunt for diamonds, treasures, structures etc. is not allowed.

    5. Any other unintended usage not explicitly outlined here can be assumed to be not allowed. When in doubt, please ask for clarification.

  • Permission granted to use the /hat command in game. This command allows you to put almost any object in your hand into the hat slot! This redeem costs 2 modcoins.

  • Permission granted to use the /trash command in game. This command allows you to trash items from your inventory. Mods are not responsible for accidental trashed items. This redeem costs 2 modcoins.

  • Permission granted to use the Rotation Wrench. This allows you to use a tool that rotates redstone components as well as glazed terracotta. A crafting recipe has been added as well (see image below). We also have an Optional Resource Pack. This redeem costs 2 modcoins.

Mob Redeems

  • 2 Vanilla Mobs - Spawn any two vanilla mobs of your choice. They can be a specific variant (blue axolotl, brown panda, etc.) and do not have to be the same 2 mobs. There are a few exceptions with this redeem:

    1. Withers and Ender Dragons are excluded from this redeem. Villagers are allowed to be purchased with modcoins, but they have their own redeem option listed in a lower section.

    2. Wardens are 1 modcoin each.

    3. Spawning Shrieker - Spawn in 1 shrieker that has warden-summoning capabilities. This redeem costs 2 modcoins.

  • 2 Overworld Trading Piglins - Spawn in 2 Piglins that are immune to zombification to the overworld. Maximum 2 per base.

  • Villagers

    • Additional Villagers - Increase your base's Villager cap by 1 and spawn in an additional villager. This is redeemable up to two times per base for a maximum villager cap of 9. We also require that at least 4 of your initial 7 have had their brains removed with a "nobrains" nametag before we will grant this redeem. Each additional villager will also need their brains removed once you've maxed them out. For more information on No AI Villagers, please visit No AI Villager FAQ.

    • Trade Merging - Villagers have to reach Master Level before we will merge their trades. This redeem will take one trade from "Villager A" and merge it into a trade slot on "Villager B", overwriting Villager B's initial trade. Trades can only be merged if the receiving villager could have obtained that trade in vanilla. Please Note: We can only merge trades as displayed in vanilla and cannot set zombified discounts as the new default trade price.

    • Max Trade Increase - Double the yield per trade on an individual trade slot. For example, if a trade normally locks after 12 trades, it will now lock after 24. No trade slot may receive more than one Trade Max increase, but different slots on the same villager can be increased.

To redeem a Mod Coin post your request in #ask-a-mod.

Last updated