Shopping District
The Shopping District is an area to set up shops that sell/trade goods and services. The SD is on it's own server, so in order to travel there, you'll need to use an Advanced (formerly MV) Portal.
Last updated
The Shopping District is an area to set up shops that sell/trade goods and services. The SD is on it's own server, so in order to travel there, you'll need to use an Advanced (formerly MV) Portal.
Last updated
Moderators: Featherstone, LegionSciFi
Shops Plugin
We will be utilizing the Shops Plugin for our Shopping District this season.
A How-To Guide has been linked below. If you have questions, please use the Ask-A-Mod channel on discord.
Claiming a shop plot:
Locate an unclaimed plot which will be marked by light blue wool block on lamp post. To claim, change the wool from light blue to green and put your name on the sign.
Plots will be pre-marked in green16x16 and red 32x32 sizes on the islands, and 9x6 on the bridge.
There are “pop up shops” on each of the islands along the black roads. Simply change the sign from “Available” to your name. Do not make substantial changes to the design of the pop up stand. Simply sell your goods in the provided barrels.
Above Ground Shop plots are from bedrock to Y115 for red plots and from bedrock to Y100 for green plots.
Bridge Plots: These plot are 9 x 6 plots. The build may not be higher than 9 blocks. No part of the build may hang over the road. Do not alter the bridge in any way.
Mall Plots: see info document on ground floor of the mall
Players are limited to 2 shop claims and 1 bridge plot claim. This does not include mall plots.
No building outside of your shop plot. No part of a shop (including underground areas and overhangs) may exceed the footprint of the plot it's on.
Maximum entities: 5. This includes armor stands, item frames, etc. Please note that invisible entities like invisible item frames are part of that entity limit even though they do not have a visible hitbox. NO glow ink is allowed in the malls and the limit for entities has been reduced to 2 for these areas.
No persistent mobs. This includes both passive and hostile mobs. They will be removed.
No permanent beacons. Beacons can be used temporarily during the construction of your shop. Beacons will only be at the district portal for easier navigation.
No automatic farms or brewers or super smelters. No complex redstone contraptions.
Clearly sign your shop. All shops must have an easily visible sign listing the shop owner(s) names.
You must be able to stock your shop. Do not claim land for a shop unless you are able to provide the wares or services you intend to sell.
Keeping shops active. The wool on the lamp post will be changed to yellow and then to red, your job is to make sure it stays green to show us that you are active. Wool changes could happen every 30 days depending on plot demand. Once your shop has stayed on red for 30 days it will be deemed abandoned and will be moved to Ghost Town. Please note that if you do not log in for 30 days in a row, the Shop Plugin will mark your shop as inactive in the /shop menu.
Shop addresses. Each plot will have a number and a road. There are 9 road colours on the Bloom island and 5 road colours on the Wither island. The main roads are black, no shop may have the main entrance onto the black road. When giving out addresses you can then say something like plot 1, red road, Bloom island or grass island.